Lecture, movie look at horror in Jewish literature

Lecture, movie look at horror in Jewish literature

Jeremy Dauber, an associate professor of Yiddish language, literature, and culture at Columbia University, and director of the school’s Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies, will speak on the role horror plays in Jewish literature, Wednesday, March 28, noon, at the University of Pittsburgh 602 Cathedral of Learning (Humanities Center Seminar Room).
His lecture, titled “Frightening Jews: Toward a Definition of Jewish Horror is co-sponsored by Pitt’s Jewish Studies; German, Cultural Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Religious Studies, Film Studies programs.
Dauber’s research interests include older Yiddish literature, the literature of the Jewish Enlightenment, and Yiddish theater, and he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Yiddish literature, as well as courses on humor in Jewish literature and American Jewish literature.
He regularly lectures on topics related to Jewish literature, history, and popular culture at the 92nd Street Y and other venues around the country.
Dauber’s lecture’s coincides with JFilm’s screening of the Israeli horror film “Rabies,” Tuesday, March 27, 7:30 p.m. at Southside Works Cinema. A post-film discussion, “Can You Say ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ in Yiddish? Thinking About Jewish Horror,” which includes Dauber and Pitt film studies professor Adam Lowenstein, will follow.

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