About the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle

The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle is an independent multimedia Jewish news organization serving Southwestern Pennsylvania’s Jewish community. Published every Friday by the Pittsburgh Jewish Publication and Education Foundation, the Chronicle provides local, national and global news of Jewish interest. We also publish opinion pieces and arts coverage, and we maintain a comprehensive calendar of area Jewish events.

The award-winning newspaper has played a vital role in connecting our community since its beginning. Its roots go back more than 100 years to its predecessor newspapers, The Jewish Criterion, founded in 1895, and The American Jewish Outlook, founded in 1934. In 1962, those newspapers merged, and The Jewish Chronicle was created. In July 2017, the newspaper changed its name to the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle, emphasizing its local focus.

The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle strives in print and online, at pittsburghjewishchronicle.org, to be an indispensable source of news while working to build and strengthen the Jewish community of Southwestern Pennsylvania.


We are increasingly receiving requests to have articles and/or photos that accompany articles removed from our website so that article subjects do not show up in search engine results. Sometimes these requests are due to professional concerns; other times, they are a result of life changes.

While we sympathize with the desire to have a smaller digital footprint, we do not generally grant takedown requests. The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle is a newspaper and part of the public, historical record. As such, we keep our editorial policies consistent with those of other major newspapers in the U.S., and with journalistic standards.

There are two situations in which a take-down request will be considered:

— If a subject contends that our coverage has been inaccurate, we will investigate and correct the error in the piece. This, however, usually results in an amended item rather than a full removal of the article in question.

— If a subject contends there is a threat of physical injury or death as a result of the availability of the material online, we will investigate.