Community members protest at Summer Lee rally
2024 PrimaryElection is April 23

Community members protest at Summer Lee rally

"By not supporting sanctions on Iran, these congressional representatives are making our community less safe."

Several community members stood in protest outside the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers building on April 21 (Photo by Julie Paris)
Several community members stood in protest outside the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers building on April 21 (Photo by Julie Paris)

Several community members gathered outside the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers headquarters in the South Side to protest the voting record of Reps. Summer Lee and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Ocasio-Cortez was among several politicians who came to support Lee in her Democratic primary race for Pennsylvania’s 12th District against Bhavini Patel, an Edgewood Borough Councilwoman.

“On Sunday, we participated in a demonstration against Rep. Summer Lee and Rep AOC outside of Rep. Lee’s campaign rally at the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers,” wrote Julie Paris, the Mid-Atlantic regional director of StandWithUS, and community volunteer Marjorie Manne in a joint statement. “Both reps have both taken fringe votes refusing to sanction Iran, which poses an existential threat to Israel, the stability of the Middle East and the world.

“We stood together to condemn their stated positions on issues directly affecting our local community, Israel, and the United States. By not supporting sanctions on Iran, these congressional representatives are making our community less safe.” PJC

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