Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh announces 2019 allocations and grants
$36.8 million to be allocated
The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh has announced $36.8 million in allocations and grants to human services and community building programs for the 2019-’20 fiscal year.
The Fund for Victims of Terror, funds for community resiliency and security and funds designated for mental health, memorialization and education were all included in this year’s distributions. Also included were allocations from the Jewish Federation’s community campaign and Jewish Community Foundation, supplemental donor gifts, government funds and a $900,000 block grant from the Jewish Healthcare Foundation.
Volunteers, professionals and civic leaders responsible for the Victims of Terror Fund and volunteers from the Federation’s Community Security Community were all engaged during the yearlong planning process, ultimately approved by Federation’s board of directors.
The Federation’s eight main beneficiary agencies will receive a less than 1% reduction in funding from the Community Campaign. Those agencies include the Edward and Rose Berman Hillel Jewish University Center of Pittsburgh, Community Day School, Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh, the Jewish Association on Aging (including The New Riverview), the Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh, Jewish Family and Community Services, Jewish Residential Services and Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh’s three Jewish day schools will receive an additional $5.3 million for scholarships from the Federation’s fundraising through Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit program.
Jewish Federation Board Chair Meryl Ainsman pointed out in a press release that this has been an extraordinary year in the city. She noted that the Federation’s distributions were affected by the Oct. 27 massacre at the Tree of Life building. “We will be able to give the most funding in the history of the Jewish Federation, but we also have more community needs than ever because of the attack on three Pittsburgh synagogues.” PJC