Chronicle poll results: Non-Jewish actors in Jewish roles
PollOur readers share their views

Chronicle poll results: Non-Jewish actors in Jewish roles

We asked our readers if it appropriate for non-Jewish actors to play prominent Jewish characters on stage and screen. Here's what they said.

Last week, the Chronicle asked its readers in an electronic poll the following question: “Is it appropriate for non-Jewish actors to play prominent Jewish characters on stage and screen?” Of the 306 people who responded, 76% said yes; 9% said no; and 15% said it depends. Comments were submitted by 111 people. A few follow.

It’s called “acting” for a reason.

It’s about consistency. If the culture is “characters need to be played by people like them” (like modern Hollywood), then the answer is yes. If the answer is “the best actor should play the role” (like Broadway), then the answer is no. What’s upsetting is when Hollywood feels one way about some minorities but a different way about us. If it matters that Cleopatra was Greek but not that Leonard Bernstein was Jewish, that’s the offensive discrepancy.

Unless we want Jewish actors to be limited to only playing Jewish characters, we must be accepting of non-Jews portraying Jewish characters.

Only with official authorization by a Jewish liaison committee.

This is a no-brainer/non-issue, and the only thing offensive about “Jewface” is the term itself.

I believe we have become too sensitive to these issues. Enough already…

I think the point of acting is to transform oneself into a different character. I am tired of all the nonsense about cultural appropriation.

I don’t have a problem as long as it’s done tastefully and with respect.

We are lucky to have someone of Helen Mirren’s talent to play Golda Meir.

As a Jew, in my heart I would immediately say no, but anyone who can portray a role as it is meant to be portrayed deserves to be given the part.

Whenever possible I prefer a Jewish actor be cast, however there are certainly circumstances where that’s not the best choice.

Who else but Charlton Heston could have played Moses?

It is an excellent way to create an understanding of another’s world. Share the stories. PJC

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