Chronicle poll results: End of fall holiday season
PollOur readers share their views

Chronicle poll results: End of fall holiday season

We asked our readers how they typically feel at the end of the fall holiday season. Here's what they said.

Last week, the Chronicle asked its readers in an electronic poll the following question: “How do you typically feel at the end of the fall holiday season?” Of the 138 people who responded, 32% said “spiritually refreshed”; 26% said “unaffected”; 18% said “humbled”; 17% said “tired”; and 7% said “something else.” Comments were submitted by 23 people. A few follow.

If you do not feel renewed and inspired, it’s time to change shul or attitude.

I ate too much.

It’s all just too much for women who want to be at temple with their husbands but then also must manage the children, the home, and dress and socialize with the community. When do we work and/or study?

This year in addition to attending my synagogue for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services, I attended services with Kesher Pittsburgh and a program at the JCC Center for Loving Kindness. The Kesher services and JCC program were spiritually refreshing.

For me there is little spirituality involved in ANY religious service. I prefer to relax doing things that bring me satisfaction…like any other day.

I feel sad because I know that the long winter is ahead.

Having observed three holidays almost consecutively is a bit much. I don’t observe Sukkot as much as the High Holy days.

Exhilaration for more religious participation.


Hoping to hold onto the intentions and inspiration throughout the year.

It is good to see how many people are returning to services. Glad to touch base with them.

I feel more connected to my Jewish faith and to appreciating the power of the holidays to try to be a better person.

Refreshed at the end of Yom Kippur, tired by the end of Sukkot

The High Holy days give me a feeling of peace and joy. I am always happy that my family joins in the synagogue attendance and shows enthusiasm for the services. Our great-grandsons ages 3 and 1 were with us this year and were awed by the sanctuary and the toy room!
Hopefully awed enough to come again.

Drained. PJC

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