Chronicle poll results: Support of local politicians since Oct. 7
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Chronicle poll results: Support of local politicians since Oct. 7

We asked our readers if they felt supported by local politicians since Oct. 7. Here's what they said.

Last week, the Chronicle asked its readers in an electronic poll the following question: “Have you felt supported by our local politicians since Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel?” Of the 250 people who responded, 61% said, “For some politicians yes, but for other politicians no”; 29% said, “No”; 5% said, “Yes,”; and 5% said they had no opinion. Comments were submitted by 79 people. A few follow.

I very much appreciated the statement issued by Mayor Gainey, County Executive Innamorato and Rep. Lee on the Oct. 7 anniversary.

Summer Lee has turned her back on her Jewish constituents. She has not responded to any of my emails or letters. It’s puzzling how so many in the community support her.

I’ve felt supported by Abigail Salisbury, Bob Casey, John Fetterman and Dan Frankel. Thanks to all of them for their steadfast support of the Jewish people both here and in Israel. Ed Gainey, Summer Lee and Sara Innamorato — not so much. I won’t be voting for any of the latter in the next election.

I am very appreciative of the politicians who vocally support our community. I’d like more politicians to join them. Also, don’t show up at events with your false solidarity if you’re going to make hurtful and horrendous statements publicly earlier that day — it’s a really bad look and we see it.

Politicians never support anyone but themselves and their cronies if it is expedient. Most politicians are too busy being crooked to worry about supporting anyone and they are very blatant about their evilness

Strong support from Rachel Heisler and Dan Frankel. Summer Lee and Ed Gainey continue to be unsupportive, and now we must include Sara Innamorato in the unsupportive group as well.

Many of our national and local politicians support us. Why was our representative in the House of Representatives not at the Oct. 7 commemoration? Why did she not put a greeting for the new year in the Chronicle? And why will she not speak with the Chronicle?

The pro- Gaza, Hamas, Palestine, rallies and marches, and the lack of condemnation of these events by some local politicians, is disturbing. The support given to these terrorist groups is disgusting and dangerous.

I have the utmost respect and gratitude to our local politicians such as Councilman Sam DeMarco, Sen. John Fetterman, Sen. Bob Casey, Rep. Chris Deluzio, state Rep. Dan Frankel and City Controller Rachel Heisler for their relentless support toward Israel in its plight to fight for its existence in the Middle East and its recognition globally. You promote sensitivity, understanding and compassion. On the flip side, shame on the lamentable local politicians who foster misunderstanding and hate amongst their constituents. Moving forward are these the elected officials we want to represent our community and state?

Our city and county “leaders “have been a miserable disappointment. I consider John Fetterman and Chris Deluzio to be local leaders, and they have been outstanding! PJC

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