TOL-OLS finished 9th in Day of Giving
Tree of Life-Or L’Simcha Congregation finished ninth in The Pittsburgh Foundation’s Annual Day of Giving earlier this month.
The congregation joined Rodef Shalom and the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh in the top 10 list in terms of dollars raised — $84,287 which corresponds to a $9,323.
In its Oct. 17 edition, the Chronicle inaccurately reported that only two Jewish charities made the top 10. The paper regrets the error.
“Our synagogue was new to the Pittsburgh Foundation’s Day of Giving this year and we worked hard to make the most of it,” TOL-OLS President Michael Eisenberg said in a letter to the editor. “I publicized it heavily to our congregants during my Kol Nidre appeal speech, we talked it up during our various services and there were frequent mailings and emails to our members to make sure all understood the process and how it would benefit us. We even accelerated our budget making process for 2014 so we could send out dues statements earlier so our congregants could pay their dues during the Day of Giving.
“I am happy to report that our efforts paid off handsomely,” he added. “Regular service-goers heard me announce the good news and heap praise on our congregation for its generosity and cooperation.”