Makis Jules Sobel-Drum Bar Mitzvah
Makis Jules Sobel-Drum, son of Christina Drum and Ari Sobel of Upper St. Clair, will become a bar mitzvah on Saturday, Oct. 29 at Temple Emanuel of South Hills. Makis’ siblings are Heather Pittman, Ashe Sobel-Drum and brother-in-law Andy Pittman. Makis is also “Funkle Makis” to his niece and nephew, Rebecca & Jamie Pittman. His grandparents are the late Margaret & John Drum and the late Judith R. Sobel & Rabbi Richard J. Sobel. Makis is a 7th grade student at Ft. Couch Middle School. He participates in cross country and lacrosse, playing goalie for USC Youth Lacrosse, USC Travel and the Pittsburgh 79’ers Lacrosse Club. He also loves creating art, plays the tuba, and enjoys many other activities. He’s a funny, huge hearted, bright, creative and caring soul who’ll lend a hand or a shoulder to anyone. He has great pride in his Jewish heritage and his connection to God. He also loves the inclusiveness of a family background that is equally Jewish and non-Jewish and demonstrates this in his acceptance of so many people around him.