Dr. Leon Aaron Kohane
KOHANE: Dr. Leon Aaron Kohane, beloved husband, father, grandfather, and a cherished community dentist, passed away on Friday, Jan. 27, 2023 (5 Shevat 5783), at the age of 67. Leon was born in 1955, the third child of Michael and Sabina, Holocaust survivors originally from Chrzanów, Poland. A lifelong resident of Pittsburgh, Leon spent his childhood years in Stanton Heights before moving to Squirrel Hill. After graduating from Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh, Leon shifted his career aspirations at the advice of his mother from the glass industry — though always remaining a “glass-man” like his father — to study chemistry and dentistry at the University of Pittsburgh. After graduating in 1982, Dr. Kohane would go on to serve thousands of patients with grace, style, old-fashioned wisdom, and often a tune that he would hum as he worked, hearkening back to his days as a High Holidays cantor and his classical training with Cantor Moshe Taube. Patients young and old would love to visit the practice, headquartered at South Highland Avenue in Shadyside for almost 40 years. In addition to often providing services at low or no cost for those in need, he served his community on a number of synagogue and school boards, and enjoyed taking part in Torah learning programs in person and from the comfort of his own home. Along with his warm and loving wife, Vlada Miriam Kohane, he raised two wonderful sons, Benjamin and Steven, and was able to see them both happily married and launch their professional careers in recent years. Leon had the special opportunity to become a grandfather twice in recent months, meriting to serve as sandek at both grandsons’ circumcisions. Leon ultimately closed his practice and retired to take care of the love of his life, Vlada, who unfortunately lost a tough battle with ovarian cancer in 2021. He still continued to enjoy attending prayer services, relaxing in the local Jewish Community Center’s hot tub and “shvitz” (steam room), and receiving his daily pictures of his grandkids, even as he himself suffered from several heart conditions that impacted his health until his passing. Services and burial were held at Poale Zedeck Memorial Park Cemetery, and Leon’s shloshim period concludes on Feb. 27. Leon is survived by his sons Benjamin (Tova) and Steven (Frumie), grandsons Zev and David, as well as a close network of extended family, friends and former patients. The family continues to appreciate messages of condolences and stories sent to memorialsofleon@gmail.com. PJC