Mindful activities for dementia patients
How to keep your loved one stimulated and connected
Keeping your mind active and engaged is important at every stage of life, though for individuals living with dementia, engaging in meaningful activities is especially beneficial. These activities can help maintain verbal and motor skills, reduce feelings of loneliness and boredom and alleviate challenging dementia-related behaviors such as wandering, judgment errors, anxiety and agitation.
The Alzheimer’s Association reports that about 1 in 9 Americans aged 65 and older, or 10.9%, are living with Alzheimer’s disease. In 2023, there were 11.5 million unpaid caregivers in the U.S. caring for people living with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, many of whom were family members. These caregivers must ensure that their loved ones are safe while also finding creative ways to keep them engaged.
When planning their day, it can be helpful to observe which activities the person enjoys and any spontaneous interests they show. Tailoring activities to their preferences can encourage their participation. Remember that individuals living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias can be easily overwhelmed, so tasks should be simple with clear and easy to follow directions.
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Since individuals with dementia may not initiate an activity on their own, scheduling a specific time for an activity and inviting them to join may spark their interest and desire to participate. Establishing daily routines can help your loved one feel more at ease, reduce anxiety and foster feelings of control and independence. Over time, familiar patterns may transfer to long-term memory, offering comfort and stability.
When creating a daily schedule, consider what times of day your loved one functions best. Also, take into account how they used to structure their day. Allow ample time for meals, bathing, dressing and rest, and avoid overloading the schedule. It’s important to have a gentle balance between stimulating activity and downtime. Tools such as a calendar or dry-erase board can serve as a helpful visual throughout the day.
While an activity like watching a favorite TV show can be relaxing, it may not always offer the kind of mental stimulation that individuals with dementia need. Regularly planning creative, engaging dementia-friendly activities can feel daunting, but setting realistic goals that will support your loved one’s healthy lifestyle is key. Tailoring activities to match your loved one’s abilities will help ensure their success and enjoyment.
Some practical activities for individuals with dementia include:
• Encourage participation in simple household chores, such as drying dishes, folding clothes or assisting with cooking or baking under your supervision.
• Take a leisurely walk outdoors or work in the garden when weather permits. Spending time outside can improve mood and physical health.
• Listen to their favorite music and incorporate it into daily routines — even if it’s just in the background. Music is a powerful tool that can evoke memories, elicit emotions and oftentimes facilitate a discussion. When possible, adding music to other activities can encourage movement and social interactions.
As your loved one’s Alzheimer’s or dementia progresses, it’s important to modify activities to meet their abilities. In the early stage, they can often continue to participate in the activities they’ve always enjoyed. This familiarity will help them to thrive with confidence. Activities like card games, conversations about current events or history, social interactions and physical activities like walking or gardening are appropriate and healthy.
During the middle stage, as symptoms become more significant and your loved one needs additional support, plan adaptable activities that can accommodate their varying daily needs, such as following a guided exercise video, singing familiar songs, or even a coloring pages to provide mild stimulation when they need downtime. You can reminisce with them using old photos or show them photos of things they have always liked to start a conversation. As an individual enters the final late stage of dementia, they can feel comforted by therapeutic activities like holding hands or giving a gentle hand massage, playing soft music and providing light sensory or tactile stimulation, all of which reminds them they are cared for and loved. Engaging with them significantly enhances their quality of life, ensuring they feel valued and cared for at every stage.
Ultimately, many caregivers want to keep their loved one at home, in a familiar community and with a sense of independence for as long as possible. Supporting them through this challenging time can often be demanding and take a toll on you as a caregiver. As you plan activities for your loved one, remember to take breaks, continue to do things you enjoy and talk with others who are experiencing the same challenges. Caring for yourself is not just beneficial for you — it also ensures that you can provide the best possible care for your loved one. PJC
Mary Anne Foley, RN, MSN, is president and CEO of the Jewish Association on Aging.