Letters to the editor
Readers respond
Praise for a colleague
Thank you for publishing the recent interview with Leslie Hoffman (“The Exit Interview: Leslie Hoffman,” June 23). As a colleague and friend, I want to thank Leslie publicly for her executive director contributions to both Temple Emanuel of South Hills and the broader Pittsburgh Jewish community. Like other very successful retired Pittsburgh synagogue executive directors, Leslie represents the best of the profession. She combines patience with wisdom, the ability to navigate change with vision and the understanding of the power of a covenantal community. I will miss her as a colleague but value her continued friendship.
Drew Barkley
Executive director, Temple Sinai
Squirrel Hill
The value of going through the trial
While in Toronto for a summer meeting of the American Board of Criminal Lawyers, I had a chance to read the Chronicle’s editorial, “The end of Phase 1” (June 23). How ironic it was that I finally got a chance to read the editorial while there. Well done! I love the point the Chronicle made about the importance of the trial and am glad the prosecution didn’t agree to waive the death penalty so that we now have a historic record of this abominable massacre. Quite frankly, that point hadn’t occurred to me.
You are, of course, right that the rule of law must be followed. However, I remain unalterably opposed to the death penalty. But it is the law. Thank you for this excellent editorial.
Stan Levenson