Letter to the editor February 4

Letter to the editor February 4

China and Jewish community: Where’s the coverage?

There is a topic that I have never seen covered in a Jewish weekly newspaper — China and the Jewish community. On the other hand, the Chinese seem to be developing their connection to the Jewish community in the U.S. and worldwide. (That country’s connection and relationship to Israel is also developing on both a government and tourism level—but that’s not my topic with this letter.)

The publication that best reports what has been happening with China and the U.S. Jewish community is China Daily USA, which is printed in New York City and, I have heard, has a circulation of more than 150,000.

It seems the paper has been doing stories with increasing frequency that are connected with remembrances of the Jewish refugee community in Shanghai during World War II and the museum that opened in 2015, complete with a wall of names of the more than 13,000 Jews who resided there.

The Chinese New Year is near. Is it time that Jewish newspapers report a bit on this accumulating relationship?

Henry E. Nass

New York
