Letter to the editor December 17

Letter to the editor December 17

Thank you for coverage of case

I just wanted to take a moment to thank Toby Tabachnick and The Chronicle for publishing the update on our family’s efforts to have my brother Zeke Goldblum transferred to Israel. Despite moving to Israel 17 years ago our efforts to have Zeke released through normal channels (legal proceedings, clemency, etc.) have not lessened. But they’ve unfortunately not been successful. My father, Rabbi Moshe Goldblum z”l, passed away in Israel still hoping and praying that his son would be set free. My mother, who is 92 years old, is still praying that she will see her son again as a free man. Thankfully the Israeli government has granted Zeke citizenship for the expressed purpose of having him transferred closer to his aging mother and many loving family members.

Even though incarcerated, Zeke continues to make a positive contribution, including counseling and tutoring fellow inmates. Jewishly, Zeke has been active organizing and conducting prayers and even obtaining a Torah for Jewish inmates.

Many members of the Pittsburgh Jewish community have and continue to be very supportive of my brother and my family. Individuals wishing to assist us are welcome to contact me at my email, omiller50@gmail.com.

Thanks again to Toby and the editor for your support.

Orah Miller

Rehovot, Israel
