Kollel Jewish Learning Center’s Legacy Circle Event

Kollel Jewish Learning Center’s Legacy Circle Event

The fourth annual Kollel Jewish Learning Center’s Legacy Circle Event was held on May 6 at the Embassy Suites Hotel.

Pre-pandemic gathering of Dr. Lee Weinberg, left, Kollel Board President Philip Milch, and President of the Orthodox Union Moishe Bane. Photo courtesy of Kollel Jewish Learning Center
Pre-pandemic gathering of Dr. Lee Weinberg, left, Kollel Board President Philip Milch, and President of the Orthodox Union Moishe Bane. Photo courtesy of Kollel Jewish Learning Center

The fourth annual Kollel Jewish Learning Center’s Legacy Circle Event was held on May 6 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, hosted by Chuck and Judy Perlow and Zev and Lieba Rudolph.

Chuck Perlow, Legacy Circle Event co-host. (Photo courtesy of Kollel Jewish Learning Center)
The diverse audience had the opportunity to hear Moishe Bane, president of the Orthodox Union, speak about “Three Existential Challenges to American Orthodoxy that are Largely Ignored.”
Judi Kanal (left) and Sharon Perelman. (Photo courtesy of Kollel Jewish Learning Center)
From left: Philip Milch, Rosh Kollel Rabbi Levi Langer, Rabbi Danny Schiff. (Photo courtesy of Kollel Jewish Learning Center)
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