Interesting reads

Interesting reads

Lots of interesting (and some disturbing reading) from the Jewish media this week.

By disturbing, we mean this JTA story about the heckling of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, and his son, Zach, when they visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem; the Emanuels are in Israel for Zach’s bar mitzva, but some Israelis mean to disrupt it.

The family of Gilad Shalilt approached organizers of a so-called “Free Gaza” flotilla off the coast of Israel, offering to support their project if they would demand that Hamas leaders let the Shalit family visit their captive son. The organizers rejected the offer. One wonders why, if they’re on a humanitarian mission. Read this insiteful story on

If you’re in an interfaith marriage — or even if you’re not — Tablet Magazine has a great story about a couple in which the one who converted is more religious than then one who was born Jewish. Yes, we realize many interfaith marriages do not result in conversion, but this one did. Good read, enjoy!

“Great Jewish Moments in Law & Order.” What a great titled for this Heeb Magazine story! That’s right, the NBC prime-time drama is calling it quits after 20 seasons and many, many spinoffs. So leave it to Heeb to recount the most interesting Jewish moments on this iconic TV show. Read on.


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