They took their last breath wrapped in tallitot…
And we will bury them the same way
Eternally precious, enfolded within the
fabric of our people.
They took their last breath in a building named for life…
And, in their spirit, we will ever cherish life’s beauty
no matter how thick the darkness.
They took their last breath in a house of prayer
Where people aspire to be the finest they can be
And, just as they did, we will continue to reach for the heights.
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They took their last breath uttering words that reject the lawless…
And, recalling them, we will refuse to allow evil to prosper.
They took their last breath believing in a better tomorrow
And we will never forsake that vision, come what may…
They took their last breath as proud Jews, devoted to their heritage
And, in their honor, that is exactly how we will now continue on.
Devastated. Bereft. But utterly resolute…
May their memory bless us all.
— Rabbi Danny Schiff