Chronicle poll results: PACs working to defeat ‘Squad’ members
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Chronicle poll results: PACs working to defeat ‘Squad’ members

We asked our readers if they support the work of PACs to defeat "Squad" members at the polls. Here's what they said.

Last week, the Chronicle asked its readers in an electronic poll the following question: “Do you support the work of PACs to defeat ‘Squad’ members at the polls?” Of the 337 people who responded, 73% said yes; 21% said no; and 6% said they were not sure. Comments were submitted by 78 people. A few follow

The “Squad” is a very dangerous entity in this country. It’s really time for us to wake up and see the danger they are exposing us to.

Only if the PAC is within the jurisdiction of the elected official.

I support elimination of any and all politicians who rally against Jews, Judaism, or Israel.

PACs don’t defeat incumbents — voters do. All PACs do is make voters aware of the candidate’s shortcomings. I resent headlines in legacy media which suggest that PACs control voters; in a Democracy, it is always individuals who use their agency to vote.

One hundred percent yes. It’s unfortunate but necessary when elected officials support terrorists over allies.

The “Squad” is the most threatening group in Congress against Israel. They have the megaphone and are driving pro-Hamas rhetoric.

The “Squad” members do not determine policy, although they may influence it. Using PAC funds diverts Jewish resources that could be better used elsewhere and opens us up to the “Jewish influence” trope.

PACs or any other legal means could and should be used to promote candidates whose opinions and policies further our own goals. Similarly, PACs or any other legal means could and should be used to oppose candidates (such as “Squad” members) whose opinions threaten us and/or are toxic to those we love.

I don’t support PAC advertising in general. Without the accountability of having an actual entity (political party, opposing candidate, etc.) PACs are free to lie and distort whoever it is they are attacking.

This is the way the American democracy works. PACS are the way American citizens get their message out to lawmakers and to voters. No one forces a voter to enter a ballot, but providing money to get a candidates message out is appropriate and kosher!

No, and I think we need to get money out of politics in general and have campaigns be publicly financed.

It’s deeply disappointing that we’re directing energy and money toward removing some of the most progressive allies in Congress and replacing them with moderates who don’t align with my values in any way.

Absolutely! As Jews, we must continue to be pro-active in areas where we can effect change. PJC

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