Chronicle poll results: Following synagogue shooting trial
PollOur readers share their views

Chronicle poll results: Following synagogue shooting trial

We asked our readers if they are following the synagogue shooting trial closely. Here's what they said.

Last week, the Chronicle asked its readers in an electronic poll the following question: “Are you following the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting trial closely?” Of the 283 people who responded, 81% said yes; 13% said no; and 6% said they weren’t sure yet. Comments were submitted by 76 people. A few follow.

As a former employee who knew the victims well, I believe justice must be served. All of them were dear, loving people, and words cannot begin to describe the ache in my heart at the tragic loss. May they never be forgotten.

As a Pittsburgh Jew, I believe that it is my moral responsibility to pay attention to the trial. I hope that justice is served — and that the survivors can begin their journey toward peace.

I am concerned about possible horrific terroristic activity during and after trial.

The shooter deserves maximum punishment. No mercy.

I think it’s irresponsible that it took so long to bring the killer to justice. The survivors and families and the Jewish community are constantly suffering.

Different community members are of course going to react in different ways, but personally, the trauma brought back up by this trial is not something I want to relive. I pray for strength for those who will testify in the name of justice

It’s so terribly painful to read all of the graphic details, but it’s so important to me to understand how antisemitism can present itself so I can help find ways to fight it.

I plan on attending in person at least once. It is important that as many of us show up as possible — no matter our personal feelings regarding the death penalty sought by the federal government.

Being the only person answering the phones at the JCC that day, speaking to various family members of the victims, I cannot hear about the details. I get extremely upset to the point of crying.

He should get the death penalty and the heartache of reliving this painful experience should be over.

Getting the details and emotions of the survivors makes us realize how vulnerable we/all of us could be at any given time or place.

I am watching the trial very closely. It makes me nervous. I hope antisemitism will not be emboldened from this.

I just want justice to be done. PJC

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