What do you value?
We should not sell our birthright of Torah values for the hope of more aid to Israel.

American Jews have spent the three generations since the Holocaust repeating a ritual every morning: waking up, reading the news, and — whatever the issue — asking, “Is it good for the Jews?”
Then the next question: “Where’s my passport?”
For a time that kind of caution seemed unnecessary. In 2012, author Robert Putnam’s research noted that Jews were the most highly regarded religious group in our country. Antisemitic crimes ebbed to a low — 300% lower than today.
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Much has happened since then: Nazis marching in Charlottesville, the shooting at the Tree of Life building and the surge in violence against innocent American Jews as Israel wages war against Hamas in Gaza.
Faced with a choice for president, asking, “Who’s best for us?” is insufficient. More importantly, in this election, we must ask ourselves which Jewish values to stand for from our tradition. We must ask, “How might Jewish sources judge the candidates?”
In Exodus 34.6, Gd is described as “…gracious, slow to anger, abounding in kindness and faithfulness.” Under the scrutiny of America’s unforgiving political theater, Kamala Harris embodies that demeanor. Donald Trump, with his cruelty and his unfaithfulness, represents the very opposite of these values.
The prophet Amos proclaims, “Hate evil and love good and establish justice in the gates.” Inciting violence against immigrants in Ohio — with preposterous accusations of eating pets — brazenly flouts that teaching.
The prophet Micah teaches, “It has been told you, O Man, what God requires of you — only to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.” Trump, a convicted felon, flouts justice to get an advantage. He considers mercy, especially toward his opponents, as weakness. And “walking humbly” does not evoke golden escalators.
Perhaps the former president’s style isn’t exactly kind or caring — but what about his avowed embrace of Israel? More bluster. The Biden-Harris administration has given more financial and material aid to Israel than any other since the establishment of Israel in 1948. Just last month, Harris spearheaded a $20 billion aid request for Israel, specifically for jet fighters and air-to-air missiles.
We know that Israel is fighting a multi-front war against Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iraqi factions, the Houthis of Yemen and ultimately, Iran. We know that Israel cannot fight this war alone. Steadfast support of the United States is essential for Israel to confront these existential threats.
Kamala Harris promises to continue to support Israel in these tough times, even as she shows empathy for innocent Palestinians who have died as human shields for Hamas. On the other hand, Trump’s promises regarding Israel will be fulfilled if, and only if, they suit his political purposes.
Donald Trump has threatened to blame American Jews if he loses this election. Trump places a target on our backs in the same way as other minorities he vilifies into boogeymen, from Haitians in Ohio to Mexicans in Arizona.
Both candidates promise to protect Israel, but only Kamala Harris does so without threats of blame or retribution. Both candidates claim to be aligned with our values, yet only Kamala Harris does so without fearmongering or favoritism.
We should not sell our birthright of Torah values for the hope of more aid to Israel. We must not sell our birthright of kindness for fear of being targeted. We will not sell our birthright of decency in order to elect a deeply flawed man, an unserious man, a man whose life of excess makes a mockery of our cherished values.
Only Kamala Harris will be a president to uphold the precious Jewish values that everyone, everywhere, in our country should cherish. PJC
Rabbi James A. Gibson is a senior rabbinic fellow of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem and a rabbinic fellow of the
Institute for Jewish Spirituality. He is the emeritus rabbi at Temple Sinai.