Reva Zelkowitz
ZELKOWITZ: Reva Zelkowitz, age 90 passed away on Friday, November 6, 2015. She was the beloved wife of the late Milton Zelkowitz; beloved mother of Lynn (David) Cooper and Louis (Michelle Stern) Zelkowitz; beloved bubbie of Erin Cooper. Reva was the past president of Bnai Emounoh Sisterhood, a member of the Jewish Free Burial Association and she volunteered for Mollies Meals on Wheels. A special thank you to Debbie Fakiro and Rachel Leff for the devoted and loving care they provided for Reva. Graveside services were held on Sunday November 8, 2015 at Agudath Achim Cemetery. Arrangements were by the Gesher HaChaim Jewish Burial Society. Donations may be made to Shaare Torah Congregation, 2319 Murray Ave., or to Gesher HaChaim Jewish Burial Society, 2303 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15217