Letters to the editor: 2/5

Letters to the editor: 2/5

Giving blood a mitzvah
Toby Tabachnick’s story about Ellen Schall’s frequent platelet donation was an important reminder about the ability of each of us to do our own part to repair the world.
It was nice to see our teacher, Agency for Jewish Learning Rabbi Danny Schiff, reiterate that an ability to contribute a part of one’s body may even be considered by some to be mandatory pursuant to the mandate of “pikuach nefesh” (saving a life). If someone can save a life without either risking his or her own life, performing a murder, committing adultery, practicing incest, or doing an idolatrous act, then such a noble act is the height of being a Good Samaritan.
As the founder and co-chair of the Allegheny County Bar Association’s first large-scale blood drive in over a decade, I implore Chronicle readers to please join the ACBA in promoting the principle of “tikkun olam.”
Join local lawyers and their staffs, friends and families in trying to make the world a better place in Room 445 of the City-County Building from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 13. In the spirit of “vehasho’eil shofekh damim” (one who delays is guilty of shedding blood), we urge everyone to come Downtown to help save a life and get free juice and cookies courtesy of the Blood Bank — even if you only happen to distantly know a lawyer.
If you are physically capable of donating and want to possibly win an autographed Steelers football, Pirates baseball or tickets or gift basket, award-winning Boston Red Sox player-signed baseballs, dinner or massage therapy gift certificates, etc., Maimonides would beseech you, “kol hayakhol lehatzil.”

Jeffrey Pollock
Squirrel Hill
