Chronicle poll results: Passover seders
We asked our readers how many Passover seders they would be attending or hosting this year. Here's what they said.
Last week, the Chronicle asked its readers in an electronic poll the following question: “How many Passover seders will you host or attend this year?” Of the 271 people who responded, 49% said two; 40% said one; 9% said none; and 2% said they weren’t sure. Comments were submitted by 33 people. A few follow.
Traditions, such as attending seder on Passover night, are vital to the future of the Jewish people.
I have no family around and am by myself. I have no Jewish friends to spend the holiday with.
I would like to attend one, but I have a schedule conflict.
I am pleased to say that here at Concordia of the South Hills we will have a lovely Passover seder, as usual.
My relatives have died, moved away or are estranged over political issues.
I was raised in Pittsburgh with two seders. I will always take part in two seders.
I may be a glutton, but I’m not a glutton for punishment. Seders last for hours, and I confess that I don’t have the patience or stamina anymore for interminable praying and singing.
We’re actually also going to a third: a third-night seder at a local retirement facility.
My kids are visiting the week before Pesach so we’ll do my grandkids’ first seder a week early!
I always have one seder, but this year we will be out of town helping with a new grandchild! I feel sad about not being able to do a seder though.
I am 81 and I do all the cooking for the seder; one seder is all I can manage.
We get together as a family to read from the Haggadah (going around the table, reading a few paragraphs; even the great-grandchildren participate) and a cheer goes up at the words “festive meal!”
To anyone who can’t attend a seder, don’t give up: There are so many organizations who are happy to help you find one! PJC