Who’s the real vilifier?
A recent editorial in the Chronicle seemed to suggest people can only express their views if they do not "reinforce" supporters of the BDS movement.

A recent editorial seems to claim that when Natalie Portman or anyone else expresses her own political views, they should do so if and only they do not “reinforce” the views of Jewish Voice for Peace or other supporters of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel (“Natalie Portman’s snub to Israel reinforces vilifiers,” April 27). Applying such a standard would leave us all speechless and struck dumb.
What is Portman or anyone else to do other than not speak at all when the Chronicle or some other outlet suggests her view might support a “vilifier” of Israel?
And remember, Portman does not support BDS. She pointed out that she was speaking out against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
As part of a free press, you should be supporting people’s right to freely express their views, rather than endorsing the real vilifiers, like a Likud MK who called Portman a traitor.
Mark Fichman