Letters to the editor
Readers respond
Netanyahu’s ‘miscalculations’
Giovanni Giacolone repeats the same worn arguments about destroying Hamas and not negotiating with terrorists even when they’re still holding 90-plus Israelis and have regrouped despite the onslaught (“The ‘deal’ would be a win for Hamas, Biden and Trump, but not for Israel,” Jan. 17). Anything short of total victory rewards Hamas and dishonors the IDF soldiers who fell in this conflict. Giacolone sums up by wringing his hands saying this “surely was not what we expected.”
Well it’s time that the forever-war proponents take a step back to assess Trump 2.0 and rethink their expectations. Netanyahu will never admit his abysmal miscalculations, but waiting for Trump might prove his greatest error of all. Trump has his sights on Saudi Arabia. Israel has paid and will continue to pay a terrible price for Netanyahu’s hubris and self-assured arrogance. Trump wants an end to this war and an end to the conflict in Ukraine. Netanyahu, to put it in stark terms, is in his way.
Richard Friedman
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