Gregory Louis Bennett and Gabrielle Ashley Lesnett Engagement

Gregory Louis Bennett and Gabrielle Ashley Lesnett Engagement

Dr. Nathan and Jamie Bennett of Upper Saint Clair, are happy to announce the engagement of their son, Gregory Louis Bennett, to Gabrielle Ashley Lesnett, daughter of Glen and Felicia Lesnett of Coventry, Rhode Island. Gregory’s grandparents are the late Tilden Bennett and Judy Spahr of Pittsburgh, Pa and the late Ronald Friedken and Florinne (Flossie) Friedken of State College, Pa and the late Donald and the late Judie Selig of Pittsburgh, Pa Gabrielle’s grandparents are Alan and Lorraine Reich of Barnegat, NJ and the late George Lesnett and Joan Lesnett of St. Augustine, FL. Greg has a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Drexel University. He is currently working as an advanced electronics packaging engineer for Lockheed Martin. Gabrielle has her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Quinnipiac University. She is a physical therapist at an outpatient orthopedic clinic in Philadelphia. The couple plans to wed in 2022.

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