Chronicle poll results: Cease-fire/hostage deal
We asked our readers if they think the cease-fire/hostage deal is good for Israel. Here's what they said.
Last week, the Chronicle asked its readers in an electronic poll the following question: “Overall, do you think the cease-fire/hostage deal is good for Israel?” Of the 257 people who responded, 39% said yes; 31% said no; and 30% said they weren’t sure. Comments were submitted by 91 people. A few follow.
It’s very much a “between a rock and a hard place” situation. We need our hostages back — no questions asked. But time and time again it has been proven that whenever we release murderous terrorists from Israeli prisons in these deals, we suffer later. I sincerely hope this time is different.
I don’t trust Hamas with anything and the fact that we had to release terrorists in order to get just a few hostages out at a time is bewildering to me.
It’s great for the hostages to finally be returning home. The price is big. But ….what are we to do when we prize life above all else. I can understand why the families of those killed and injured by the released prisoners are angry. We are in a no win situation. This has to end.
Trump forced this rotten deal on Netanyahu to make himself look like the “only one who could do it.” Netanyahu is as frightened as the rest of us of what the “loose cannon” might do if he didn’t bend the knee.
Even though Israel has to release a whole lot of terrorists, the overall positives of the hostages going home and the country gaining a bit more of a public relations image of seeking peace are positive — especially if the world watches those terrorists after they are sent back to Gaza.
Israel has once again snapped defeat from the jaws of victory. This just tells terrorists that all they have to do to free a thousand murderers is take a few civilian hostages and the world will treat that as a fair trade. I weep for the hostages but I weep even more for those who will be murdered or kidnapped and tortured next year and the years after.
Since Israel had the upper hand in terms of power and control, they could have gotten a much better deal! I’m disappointed that the United States did not hang tougher on Israel’s behalf.
Anything that stops the level of insanity that has so many people suffering is a step forward. I don’t have a solution, but I know the current state of affairs was not a way forward.
Hamas survives to return to threaten Israel and all the hostages are not freed now. The deal is terrible for Israel!
I think it is time for Netanyahu to quit fighting. Without a parallel home for Palestinians, there will be no peace.
Beware when you deal with the devil
Let’s see how long it takes for the Palestinians to break the truce. PJC