Book burial at Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery

Book burial at Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery

Prayer books collected from the community filled a special, quadruple-sized grave at the Jewish Cemetery and Burial Association’s Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery.

From left: Helpers Herbert Adelman, Elaine Berkowitz, Harvey Wolsh, Jonathan Schachter, Bernard Dickter, Steven Santman, Rabbi Alex Greenbaum and Judy Ryave McGuire. (Photo courtesy of Jewish Cemetery and Burial Association)
From left: Helpers Herbert Adelman, Elaine Berkowitz, Harvey Wolsh, Jonathan Schachter, Bernard Dickter, Steven Santman, Rabbi Alex Greenbaum and Judy Ryave McGuire. (Photo courtesy of Jewish Cemetery and Burial Association)

Several truckloads of prayer books were collected from individuals and congregations in the community, enough to fill a special, quadruple-sized grave at the Jewish Cemetery and Burial Association’s Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery.

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