At Temple David

At Temple David

The Celebration of Learning at Temple David’s Weiger Religious School culminated a year of study about Jewish values.

Kate Livingston (center), representing Beverly’s Birthdays, was part of Temple David’s Celebration of Learning. Natalie Keough, Josh and Nate Goldberg and Aidan and Sara Pechersky presented the organization with a check consisting of funds they raised throughout the year. (Photo courtesy of Temple David)
Kate Livingston (center), representing Beverly’s Birthdays, was part of Temple David’s Celebration of Learning. Natalie Keough, Josh and Nate Goldberg and Aidan and Sara Pechersky presented the organization with a check consisting of funds they raised throughout the year. (Photo courtesy of Temple David)

The Celebration of Learning at Temple David’s Weiger Religious School culminated a year of study about Jewish values. Throughout the year the students raised funds to support 10 local organizations.

Rabbi Barbara Symons, Max Wolper, Joseph Raithel, Henry and Sylvie Casher and Jake Carney discuss how to pay for things at the Braddock Free Store. The answer … with hugs! (Photo courtesy of Temple David)
On Sunday, April 29 representatives of those organizations celebrated and received the donations.
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