Chronicle poll results: Ending antisemitism
PollOur readers share their views

Chronicle poll results: Ending antisemitism

We asked our readers if they thought it was possible to end antisemitism. Here's what they said.

Last week, the Chronicle asked its readers in an electronic poll the following question: “Do you think it is possible to end antisemitism?” Of the 288 people who responded, 85% said no; 9% said yes; and 6% said they didn’t know. Comments were submitted by 95 people. A few follow.

People will always have prejudices against someone. You can’t control people’s minds. It’s unfortunate but a fact of life.

Only when the Messiah comes.

Unfortunately hatred is part of human nature. There is no reason to believe that many hundreds of years of hatred of Jews will magically disappear.

With the Eradicate Hate Global Summit and new Tree of Life, Inc. organization, I think we will be able to end antisemitism. All right here in Pittsburgh.

Take a look at history. As much as it would be nice to be optimistic, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Dream on!

It’s become an historical virus, and there will always be both spreaders and those susceptible to catching it.

I think we can minimize the spread, decrease violence triggered by, and bring back the stigma of participating in antisemitism, but human nature is to blame someone else for our issues/shortcomings/frustrations and so antisemitism won’t ever be completely eliminated.

Some people will always hate. We’ve been a target for thousands of years and see no reason it will end.

There are people that have negative feelings and jealousy that will not go away. I have lived for three quarters of a century and things are worse.

Unfortunately, the fact that antisemitism has been around for so long suggests that Jew-hate is an ugly part of human nature — equally so, racism and homophobia.

This is not a yes/no question. There has always been antisemitism. Will it continue? Yes, but shouldn’t we keep making attempts to stop it? It may exist but when it starts to increase, we’d better pay attention. That’s what is happening now, and many people are paying attention and taking action. We will never forget the past.

The Haggadah says in every generation the nations try to kill us. We can’t end antisemitism. We can only do what we can to reduce it by being proud of our Judaism. The nations hate us more when we’re hiding from our Jewish identity.

We can’t end it, but perhaps we can chase it under a rock where the antisemites belong. I’m so glad that we are calling out the antisemites and bringing to public attention who they are, and what they say and do. May we never give up the cause.

If antisemitism wasn’t ended after the Holocaust, I can’t see it ever ending. It seems to get worse every year.

Despite what some claim, antisemitism can be fought and reduced, but not eliminated. PJC

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