Week of Events
Make ‘n’ Eat Monday Nights at Temple Sinai
Make ‘n’ Eat Monday Nights at Temple Sinai
Join Temple Sinai for Make ‘n' Eat Monday Nights—A Year of Spices sponsored by the Women of Temple Sinai. January’s spice is cumin with instructor Annie Weidman. The instructor will lead students in making a meal so everyone can eat together and taste the featured spice.6 p.m. $15. templesinaipgh.org/event/spicecooking.html
Lunch & A Movie at Temple Sinai
Lunch & A Movie at Temple Sinai
Are you a Senior with your afternoons free? Temple Sinai is starting a new activity just for you—Lunch and a Movie. Join them for Moroccan food and enjoy the classic movie, "Casablanca." $10. Noon. Register at templesinaipgh.org/event/SeniorLunchMovie.html
Beyond Shtisel:A Closer Look At The Hasidic World
Beyond Shtisel:A Closer Look At The Hasidic World
Hadassah Greater Detroit invites you to Beyond Shtisel: A Closer Look At The Hasidic World, a four-part virtual series learning about different Hasidic communities,discussing some provocative issues, and viewing videos of Hasidim in their home environments. Gain an understanding of what the life of Hasidim is really like. 7 p.m. $10 per session or $35 […]
Post Film Discussion Liga Terezin
Post Film Discussion Liga Terezin
Join Classrooms Without Borders for a post film discussion of Liga Terezin with Oded Breda, Michael Schwartz and moderated by Avi Ben Hur. “LIGA TEREZIN” is a documentary film that tells the incredible story of the soccer league which took place in Ghetto Theresienstadt, 40 miles North West of Prague. 3 p.m. cwbpgh.org/event/post-film-discussion-liga-terezin
A Conversation with Local Romance Novelist Lainey Davis
A Conversation with Local Romance Novelist Lainey Davis
Save the date for NCJW's conversation with local romance novelist Lainey Davis. Enjoy an evening of cocktails and tales while learning about the writing process, hear an author-read excerpt, and get to ask a lot of questions. 5 p.m. Registration details to follow. ncjwpghevents.org/upcoming-events
Unity Weekend with Tree of Life Congregation and Ebenezer Baptist Church
Unity Weekend with Tree of Life Congregation and Ebenezer Baptist Church
In celebration of the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Tree of Life Congregation and Ebenezer Baptist Church will worship together on Unity Weekend. Join Tree of Life's Shabbat morning service and Ebenezer's Sunday morning service. 9:45 a.m. Tree of Life is located at Rodef Shalom, 4905 Fifth Ave. Ebenezer Baptist is located […]