Young Family Shabbat

Temple David will hold a young family interactive and musical Shabbat service at 6 p.m. on the bimah followed be a picnic dinner. There is no charge. All families with children under age 10 are welcome on the bimah; children of all ages in the family are invited. RSVP no later than noon, Monday, Jan. […]

Caregiver’s Forum

title: Caregiver's Forum description: Are you a caregiver? Do you…  Call to check in on your loved one?  Make meals for someone?  Drive someone to appointments or the grocery story?  Help someone make healthcare decisions?  Assist someone with household chores?  Assist with daily health activities such as bathing, sorting […]

Caregiver’s Forum

title: Caregiver's Forum description: Are you a caregiver? Do you… Call to check in on your loved one? Make meals for someone? Drive someone to appointments or the grocery story? Help someone make healthcare decisions? Assist someone with household chores? Assist with daily health activities such as bathing, sorting medication, or eating? Feel overwhelmed or […]

“Ten Matchboxes” by Janusz Korczak

Classrooms Without Borders will present an adaptation of a short story, “Ten Matchboxes” by Janusz Korczak at 4:30 p.m. at Temple David. The play tells of a teacher who sparks his poor students’ imaginations by giving them a simple gift: an empty matchbox. Learning that one can derive joy from the simplest objects, each of […]

Temple David Brotherhood Event

title: Temple David Brotherhood Event description: Temple David Brotherhood presents Rep. Joseph Markosek , 25th Legislative District, Allegheny County on Sunday, March 18 at 11:00 a.m. He will review the topics and policies currently under discussion at our state capital. Event is OPEN TO ALL. Brunch will be served. Voluntary donations for brunch will be […]

Second Night Seder at Temple David

title: Second Night Seder at Temple David description: Temple David is having a second night Seder on Saturday, March 31 at 6:00 p.m. The Seder will be led by Rabbi Barbara Symons and there will be "Afikomen Prizes for the Children." Cost is $36. for Temple David members and $54.for non members. Children 12 -18 […]

Author Talk: Sharon Dilworth

title: Author Talk: Sharon Dilworth description: Sharon Dilworth will read from her new work, "Two Sides, Three Rivers". Sharon Dilworth is the author of two other collections of short stories and two novels. Her new book is a collection of stories that take place in Pittsburgh. Sharon has won a National Endowment for Fiction grant, […]

Art in Residence Weekend

Art in Residence Weekend description: Art in Residence weekend will be April 20-22, 2018. The Seventh Day: Revisiting Shabbat is an exhibit from the Hebrew College-Jewish Institue of Religion Museum in New York. The weekend will consist of a Shabbat Dinner on Friday night with an opportunity to preview the exhibit. A wine and cheese […]

Art Exhibit: The Seventh Day; Revisiting Shabbat

From: title: Art Exhibit: The Seventh Day; Revisiting Shabbat description: SAVE the DATE: The weekend of April 20-22, Temple David is bringing an art exhibit to the Temple. It is an exhibit from the Hebrew Union College title " The Seventh Day:Revisiting Shabbat. On Saturday night we are having a wine and cheese reception with […]


Art Exhibit at Temple David

title: Art Exhibit at Temple David description: Temple David will have an open house on Sunday, April 22, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Monday April 23, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. that will display Art from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Museum titled "The Seventh Day: Revisiting Shabbat." The public […]