Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

1 event,


An Evening with Jud Newborn

0 events,

1 event,

- Recurring

Wellness Wednesday

4 events,


Loaves of Love


JDAIM 2023 The Intersection of Race, Disability and Religion

1 event,


Young adult Shabbat After Hours

0 events,

3 events,


JDAIM Brunch & Discussion with ADA consultant Joan Stein

1 event,


Celebrate Tu B’Shevat in Nature

2 events,

- Recurring

Israeli Literature as a Window to Israeli Society

- Recurring

Excerpts We Should Read, Talk About and Act On

3 events,

- Recurring

U.S. Law and Criminal Justice: From the Community Perspective

1 event,


The Jews of Rio de Janiero

0 events,

1 event,

3 events,


Researching Your Roots with LitvakSIG


“When Rabbis Bless Congress”


My First Sony

1 event,

0 events,

9 events,

- Recurring

Trauma-Informed Yoga

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

5 events,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

- Recurring

Torah 1

- Recurring

Refaeinu Healing Circles

2 events,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

- Recurring

Repro Shabbat

4 events,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

- Recurring

Repro Shabbat

6 events,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications


Positive Painting Project for Mental Health Awareness

3 events,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

- Recurring

Art in Community

3 events,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

- Recurring

Israeli Literature as a Window to Israeli Society

- Recurring

Monday Talmud Study

10 events,

- Recurring

Trauma-Informed Yoga

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

5 events,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

- Recurring

Torah 1


Data, Democracy, and the Census: History and Genealogy in Conversation

1 event,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

1 event,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

3 events,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications


Super Sunday

1 event,

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

3 events,

- Recurring

Israeli Literature as a Window to Israeli Society

- Recurring

Scholarship to Israel Program applications

- Recurring

Monday Talmud Study

6 events,

- Recurring

Wellness Wednesday

- Recurring

Trauma-Informed Yoga

4 events,

- Recurring

Torah 1

- Recurring

Refaeinu Healing Circles


Loaves of Love

0 events,

0 events,

6 events,


Purim Carnvial


Family Purim Carnival at Temple Sinai