- This event has passed.
Bereavment Group
June 3, 2018 , 10:00 am
title: Bereavement Group
description: Temple Emanuel hosts a monthly bereavement group for previous and newly bereaved adults, led by licensed clinicial social workers. The next meeting will take place on Sunday, June 3 at 10 AM at Temple. RSVP to leonsteineresa@verizon.net if you plan to attend. Contact Temple at 412-279-7600 with questions.
start-date: 2018-06-03
start time: 10:00 AM
end date: 2018-06-03
end time:
all-day event:
recurring event: —
event address: 1250 Bower Hill Rd.
event organizer: Leslie Hoffman
event website: http://www.templeemanuelpgh.org
event cost: free