Title: Dr. Christopher Browning Lecture: ORDINARY MEN and REMEMBERING SURVIVAL description: Join Classrooms without Borders for this important lecture by author, educator and world renowned historian, Christopher Browning. Dr. Browning’s research focuses on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. He has written extensively about three issues: Nazi decision- and policy-making in regard to the origins of […]

Trip To Rauh Jewish History Program & Archives

title: Trip To Rauh Jewish History Program & Archives description: You are invited to tour the Rauh Jewish History Program & Archives at the Senator John Heinz History Center with Women of Temple Sinai and the Falk Library Committee on Wednesday, Oct. 3 at 10 AM–Noon (with optional lunch afterwards at Lidia’s). The Rauh Jewish […]

Getting to Know Our Neighbors: History of the Hill District

title: Squirrel Hill Historical Society October Program description: Getting to Know Our Neighbors: History of the Hill District Speaker: Terri Baltimore Director of Neighborhood Engagement for the Hill House Association start-date: 2018-10-09 start time: 7:30 PM end date: 2018-10-09 end time: 9:00 PM all-day event: yes recurring event: No event address: Church of the Redeemer […]

Jewish Genealogy Society of Pittsburgh program

title: The Jewish Genealogy Society of Pittsburgh presents: Top 10 Things I Learned About My Family From My Couch with Tammy Hepps description: On October 28, the Jewish Genealogy Society of Pittsburgh will welcome local genealogist and historian Tammy Hepps of HomesteadHebrews.com to the Rauh Jewish History Program & Archives at the Heinz History Center. […]


title: Squirrel Hill Historical Society November Program description: NINE MILE RUN Speaker: Wayne Bossinger, Member of the Squirrel Hill Historical Society Board and Historical Researcher NINE MILE RUN Speaker: Wayne Bossinger, Squirrel Hill Historical Society Board Member and Historical Researcher start-date: 2018-11-13 start time: 7:30 PM end date: 2018-11-13 end time: 9:00 PM all-day event: […]

Postcard from Germany

title: Postcard from Germany Rabbi Jamie Gibson description: Rabbi Jamie Gibson will share highlights and reflections from his trip to Berlin for the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Come join us for Shabbat Se’udah Ha-Shli-Sheet. The evening will conclude with Havdalah. Free and open to the public. Questions? Contact Nancy Conaway at (412) 421-9715 ext. 115 […]

Squirrel Hill Historical Society December Program

title: Squirrel Hill Historical Society December Program description: Title: The Story of Roads and Bridges in Pittsburgh Speaker: Todd Wilson, Transportation Engineer, Bridge Historian and Author of "Pittsburgh Bridges" start-date: 2018-12-11 start time: 7:30 pm end date: 2018-12-11 end time: 9:15 pm all-day event: yes recurring event: No event address: Church of the Redeemer 5700 […]

Helen Wilson, SHHS Co Vice-President and former teacher

Speaker, Helen Wilson, SHHS Co Vice-President and former teacher "The History of Squirrel's Hill Public Elementary Schools" start-date: 2019-01-08 start time: 7:30 pm end date: 2019-01-08 end time: 9:15 pm all-day event: recurring event: No event address: Church of the Redeemer 5700 Forbes Avenue event organizer: Squirrel Hill Historical Society event website: http://Squirrelhillhistory.org event cost: […]

Matthias Hass: Exhibit on The Wannsee Conference and Anti-Semitism

Matthias Hass: Exhibit on The Wannsee Conference and Antisemitism description: The Wannsee Conference and the Persecution and Murder of the European Jews Come to Levy Hall in Rodef Shalom, 4905 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, for this special presentation and exhibit on the Wannsee conference, in which the Nazis worked out the logistics of the Final Solution. […]

Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s traveling exhibition Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race will be at the Heritage Discovery Center in Johnstown. The exhibition examines how the Nazi leadership, in collaboration with individuals in professions traditionally charged with healing and the public good, used science to help legitimize persecution, murder and ultimately, genocide. Admission […]

Squirrel Hill Historical Society (SHHS) March Program

title: Squirrel Hill Historical Society (SHHS) March Program description: History of Kennywood Speaker: Andy Quinn, Member of Family That Has Owned Kennywood Park for more than 100 years, Historian and Former Kennywood Community Relations Director start-date: 2019-03-12 start time: 7:30 pm end date: 2019-03-12 end time: 9:15 pm all-day event: recurring event: No event address: […]

An Evening of Holocaust Education and Remembrance

An Evening of Holocaust Education and Remembrance description: In commemoration of the Tree of Life Synagogue, Shaler Area High School students are hosting an evening of Holocaust remembrance and education. In the library and LIGHT Center (Center for Leadership through Innovation in Genocide and Human rights Teaching), survivor Shulamit Bastacky, students, and leaders from the […]

SHHS History of Dollar Bank

From: <historysqhill@hotmail.com> title: Squirrel Hill Historical Society (SHHS) April Program description: History of Dollar Bank Speakers: Joseph Smith. Senior Vice President, Dollar Bank, and Dorothy Spangle, Multi-Media Production Specialist at Dollar Bank start-date: 2019-04-09 start time: 7:30 pm end date: 2019-04-09 end time: 9:15 pm all-day event: recurring event: No event address: Church of the […]

Gene Kelly and the Jewish Community of Squirrel Hill

Squirrel Hill Historical Society May Program description: 'Gene Kelly and the Jewish Community of Squirrel Hill" Speaker: Eric Lidji Director of the Rauh Jewish Archives Senator John Heinz History Center start-date: 2019-05-14 start time: 7:30 pm end date: 2019-05-14 end time: 9:15 pm all-day event: recurring event: No event address: 5700 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa […]

Retrospective: 1992-2019

You are invited to attend the closing program of the Jewish Women’s Center of Pittsburgh, Retrospective: 1992-2019 at the Rauh Jewish History Program and Archives located in the Heinz History Museum. Come mingle, reminisce and enjoy light refreshments. Please RSVP to http://evite.me/zUeenuUehG by August 28.