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Squirrel Hill AARP meeting
February 20, 2019 , 12:00 am
All seniors are invited to come and sing-a-long with the JCC chorus, Wednesday, Feb. 20 at the regular monthly meeting of the Squirrel Hill AARP at Rodef Shalom Synagogue, 4905 Fifth Ave., Falk Library. The meeting will include information on legislative matters which concern seniors, current health report and information on the groups monthly luncheons, etc. In addition crochet chemo hat patterns will be available and if you have a knitted pattern, please bring one to share.
The JCC chorus, which has been operating for over 40 years in the Squirrel Hill area, performing monthly under the direction of Cindy Harris will be providing entertainment for your pleasure. This group meets monthly every Thursday art the JCC art 10 a.m.in room 307. Their repertoire includes “oldies but goodies” and various sing-a-longs. Just the perfect way to spend a wintry Pittsburgh afternoon. Coffee, tea and cookies will be served.
The chapter would appreciate your donations of used eyeglasses, cell phones with chargers, and new travel size toiletries which they will donate to various nonprofit organizations. NOTE: If the Pittsburgh Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, the AARP meeting is cancelled.
Please contact Marcia Kramer at 412-731-3338 for more information.