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Sacred Symphonies with Rabbi Don Rossoff
April 25, 2019 , 7:30 pm
description: The Bible has inspired creative interpretation (midrash) not just by ancient rabbis but by musicians, artists and poets throughout the ages, including modern Jewish classical composers. In this three-part class, participants will listen to and analyze three Biblically based modern compositions: Bloch’s Shelomo Rhapsody, Bernstein’s Jeremiah Symphony and his Chichester Psalms. No musical background necessary and you are welcome to attend any or all of the sessions.
Thursday, April 25 at 7:30 PM – Rhapsody by Ernst Bloch – A study in leadership and power based on the book of Ecclesiastes
Thursday, May 2 at Noon – Symphony #1 – Jeremiah by Leonard Bernstein *Bring your own dairy brown bag lunch; we’ll provide drinks and dessert
Thursday, May 16 at Noon – Chichester Psalms by Leonard Bernstein *Bring your own dairy brown bag lunch; we’ll provide drinks and dessert
All sessions will be held at Temple Emanuel. For questions or to RSVP, contact the Temple office at 412-279-7600 or templeemanuel@templeemanuelpgh.org.
start-date: 2019-04-25
start time: 12:00 PM
end date:
end time:
all-day event:
recurring event: No
event address: 1250 Bower Hill Rd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
event organizer: Leslie Hoffman
event website: http://www.templeemanuelpgh.org
event cost: free