Israel at the Crossroads
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Israel at the Crossroads

November 15, 2018 , 7:00 pm

Israel at the Crossroads
description: Chabad of the South Hills presents an evening with Gill Hoffman Chief political correspondent and analyst for The Jerusalem Post. Mr Hoffman will give an insider’s look at the quest for security, democracy and peace in the Middle East. For more information and to register or 412-344-2424. Co-sponsored by South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh.
start-date: 2018-11-15
start time: 07:00PM
end date: 2018-11-15
end time:
all-day event:
recurring event: —
event address: The Crown Plaza Pittsburgh South 164 Fort Couch Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15241
event organizer: Chabad of the South Hills
event website:
event cost:


November 15, 2018
7:00 pm
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