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Beyond the Buzzwords: Kindergarten Information Session
October 18, 2018 , 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
title: Beyond the Buzzwords: Kindergarten Information Session
description: Play-based. Child-centered. Hands-on. Readiness. Thinking about kindergarten can be an overwhelming experience for parents. How do you make sense of the educational buzzwords to find out what they actually mean in the classroom and what is really important? Community Day School teachers and parents will help you sort through the noise at this important transition time and share how the kindergarten program at CDS is designed to meet your child’s needs.
Free babysitting will be provided.
RSVP at comday.org/buzz
start-date: 2018-10-18
start time: 06:00 PM
end date: 2018-10-18
end time: 07:30 PM
all-day event:
recurring event: —
event address: 6424 Forward Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
event organizer: Sarah DeWitt
event website: http://comday.org/buzz
event cost: Free