Author Talk: Sharon Dilworth
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Author Talk: Sharon Dilworth

April 18, 2018 , 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm

title: Author Talk: Sharon Dilworth
description: Sharon Dilworth will read from her new work, “Two Sides, Three Rivers”.
Sharon Dilworth is the author of two other collections of short stories and two novels. Her new book is a collection of stories that take place in Pittsburgh. Sharon has won a National Endowment for Fiction grant, a Pushcart Prize in Fiction and Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Grant. She is the director of the creative writing program at Carnegie Mellon University and lives and writes in Pittsburgh.
start-date: 2018-04-18
start time: 1:15
end date: 2018-04-15
end time: 2:30
all-day event:
recurring event: No
event address: Temple Sinai
5505 Forbes Ave.
event organizer: Susan Cohen
event website:
event cost: Free


April 18, 2018
1:15 pm - 2:30 pm
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