That's a wrapCongregations celebrate tefillin, World Wide Wrap event
That’s a wrap: Congregations celebrate tefillin with World Wide Wrap event
The World Wide Wrap is an annual event on Super Bowl Sunday that helps kids learn about, experience and promote the mitzvah of wrapping tefillin.

Haley Levine and Gabi Zimmerman, fifth-graders at Torah Lishmah Community, the religious school of Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha Congregation, participated in the World Wide Wrap and modeled their tefillin. (Photo courtesy of Torah Lishmah Community)
Torah Lishmah Community students and members of Congregation Beth Shalom participated in the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs World Wide Wrap on Sunday, Feb. 4 at Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha Congregation.
The World Wide Wrap is an annual event that occurs on Super Bowl Sunday and is an educational program to learn about, experience the joy and promote the mitzvah of wrapping tefillin.

Torah Lishmah Community fifth-graders, along with their teacher Stephen Weiss, participated in the Build-a-Pair program prior to the wrap. They learned about the mitzvah of wrapping tefillin and how they are made. They then made their own “model” tefillin. Also pictured are sixth-and seventh-grade students from TLC and madrich (teen helper) Sammy Nayhouse. (Photo courtesy of Torah Lishmah Community)

Sixth-and seventh-graders attended the Joint Jewish Education Program and learned how to wrap tefillin as part of World Wide Wrap. (Photo courtesy of Congregation Beth Shalom)

J-JEP students participated in World Wide Wrap activities on Sunday Feb. 4. (Photo courtesy of Congregation Beth Shalom)

This year, Rabbi Seth Adelson and members of the Beth Shalom Men’s Club helped lead the learning session. (Photo courtesy of Congregation Beth Shalom)
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