Celebrate Chanukah with the South Hills Community

Celebrate Chanukah with the South Hills Community at the fifth annual South Hills lights the communitywide Chanukah event at 6 p.m. at the Galleria in Mt. Lebanon, on the upper level near the fountain. Grand menorah lighting, live music by Chillent, latkes with all the trimmings, Chanukah woodcraft with the Home Depot, giant chocolate menorah […]

South Hills Town Hall Meeting

Join South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh, JCC of Greater Pittsburgh, Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh and Brandeis University’s Cohen Center of Modern Jewish Studies as we reveal a demographic snapshot of Jewish Pittsburgh, from a suburban perspective, as well as reviewing current patterns of Jewish engagement. South Hills Jewish Community Center, 345 Kane Blvd. Register at

South Hills Purim Extravaganza

title: South Hills Purim Extravaganza description: Join the South Hills Jewish Community for the 2018 South Hills Purim Extravaganza. Sponsored by Temple Emanuel, Beth El and South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh, the joint community event will be held at Temple Emanuel on Wednesday, February 28 (Erev Purim). The Purim Shpiel, “Grease – The Megillah”, will be […]

South Hills Celebrates Israel

title: South Hills Celebrates Israel description: FREE and open to the entire community! RSVP using the link below. Join the entire South Hills Jewish Community in celebrating Israel’s 70’s birthday! Schedule of Activities:* 5:00-6:45 PM – Israel Walk with PJ Library 5:30 PM – Israeli Dance performance with dancers from our Karmiel/Misgav partner region 5:45-6:10 […]

An Evening with Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

title: An Evening with Rabbi Joseph Telushkin description: The Rabbi William Sajowitz Endowment Fund of Temple Emanuel and South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh are excited to bring Rabbi Joseph Telushkin to Pittsburgh on Thursday, May 10. Rabbi Telushkin will speak on "The Twenty-First Century: A Moral Vision, One Day at a Time," at 7:30 PM at […]

The Pittsburgh Jewish Community Study: Where Do We Go From Here?

title: The Pittsburgh Jewish Community Study: Where Do We Go From Here? A South Hills Conversation description: Featuring Rabbi Danny Schiff, Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Foundation Scholar and a panel of Jewish community leaders including: Brian Schreiber, President/CEO, JCC of Greater Pittsburgh Raimy Rubin, Manager, Pittsburgh Jewish Community Scorecard Jonathan Fischer Stacey Reibach David […]

Making Trouble: Three Generations of Funny Jewish Women

title: Free movie: Making Trouble: Three Generations of Funny Jewish Women description: Meet six of the greatest female comic performers of the last century -- Molly Picon, Fanny Brice, Sophie Tucker, Joan Rivers, Gilda Radner and Wendy Wasserstein -- through interviews with experts, scholars and entertainers and rare film and television clips. Free popcorn and […]

Israel at the Crossroads

Israel at the Crossroads description: Chabad of the South Hills presents an evening with Gill Hoffman Chief political correspondent and analyst for The Jerusalem Post. Mr Hoffman will give an insider's look at the quest for security, democracy and peace in the Middle East. For more information and to register www.chabadsh.com or 412-344-2424. Co-sponsored by […]

Annual South Hills Lights Community Chanukah Festival

title: The Annual South Hills Lights Community Chanukah Festival description: At 5:30PM Giant Menorah Lighting & Mega Gelt on the corner of Potomac and Belrose Avenues. Followed at 6PM by a Chanukah Musical Laser Light Show and Festivities at the Hollywood Theater 1449 Potomac Avenue Dormont. Join us for live music, latkas, doughnuts, prizes and […]

South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh Welcomes JFunds to the South Hills!

title: South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh Welcomes JFunds to the South Hills! description: Meet representatives from JFunds, a new partnership of the Hebrew Free Loan Association, Jewish Assistance Fund, JFCS Squirrel Hill Food Pantry, JFCS Scholarships, and the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. start-date: 2019-01-31 start time: 06:30 PM end date: 2019-01-31 end time: 08:00 PM […]

South Hills Purim Carnival

title: South Hills Purim Carnival description: Join the entire South Hills Jewish Community and kick off Purim at the South Hills JCC! Carnival Games & Prizes Pizza, Salad, Hamentaschen, Veggies, & Snacks Inflatable Obstacle Course & Slide Moon Bounce Balloon Artist Face painting PJ Library Quiet Corner Lunch and admission are FREE. Games and activities […]

South Hills Purim at the Castle

description: Party like it’s 357 BCE at the Court of Beth El! Make your own Purim costume accessories: Balloon hats & scepters, Masks, Face Painting, Jewelry “Vashti’s Vittles” Gourmet Pasta Bar Fit for a Queen (glutten free pasta available)* Shushan Salad Bar* Megillah Reading & Puppet Show The World’s Best Purim Party Castle Moat Gaga […]

Healthy Living for the Brain & Body

title: Healthy Living for the Brain & Body description: Presented by Amy Dukes, Director of Memory Care Operations at the Jewish Association on Aging (JAA) start-date: 2019-03-28 start time: 07:00 PM end date: 2019-03-28 end time: all-day event: recurring event: No event address: South Hills JCC 345 Kane Boulevard Pittsburgh, PA 15243 event organizer: David […]