Lox & Learning: Adapting to unprecedented change from a warming climate”

title: Lox & Learning: “Exiting Eden: Adapting to unprecedented change from a warming climate” description: Warming climate is leading to unprecedented change. How will we adapt to higher temperatures and harsher storms? Jordan R. Fischbach works on this exact problem every day at the RAND Corporation and will share his answers with us. A LIGHT […]

World Wide Wrap 5779

World Wide Wrap 5779 description: Beth Shalom Men’s Club Invites You To The Annual World Wide Wrap. Bring Your Entire Family! When: Sunday, February 3, 2019 – • Tefillin Workshop begins at 10:30 a.m. • All School Tefillah Service at 11:30 a.m. Where: Rodef Shalom (4905 Fifth Ave. PGH) and Around the Globe! Who: Everyone […]

Beth Shalom Men’s Club Sports Luncheon

description: DEDICATED THIS YEAR TO HONOR THE MEMORIES OF DAVID & CECIL ROSENTHAL LOCAL SPORTS CELEBRITIESS! Autographs and Surprises - Gifts for All! Hamburger & Hot Dog Lunch at the Beth Shalom Samuel & Minnie Hyman Ballroom start-date: 2019-02-10 start time: 12:00 p.m. end date: end time: all-day event: recurring event: No event address: Congregation […]