
Christian Jewish Dialogue

Join local clergy from Jewish and Christian backgrounds for the Christian Jewish Dialogue, a monthly discussion exploring topics of similarities and differences. Noon. Rodef Shalom Congregation.


Refaeinu Healing Circles

This bi-monthly Refaeinu healing circle is led by Sara Stock Mayo, a spiritual leader, trained drama therapist, musician and poet. The space will be open to anyone who seeks to […]

Young adult Shabbat After Hours

All young adults are invited to Temple Sinai's Shabbat After Hours, an exclusive young adult oneg following the Shabbat evening service. Enjoy wine, great snacks, board games, and a chance […]


Men’s Tefillin Club

Join Chabad of Squirrel Hill for their Men's Tefillin Club. Enjoy bagels, lox and Tefillin on the first Sunday of the month. 8:30 a.m.

Media Bias Against Israel with Matti Friedman

In Media Bias Against Israel, the award-winning Canadian-Israeli journalist Matti Friedman examines undue focus and distorted coverage of Israel in modern media. 10 a.m. Zoom. $12.

JDAIM Brunch & Discussion with ADA consultant Joan Stein

ADA consultant Joan Stein will share stories on her work “Making Sports Facilities, Performing Arts Venues, & Other Public Buildings Accessible to Everyone” during an onsite and online JDAIM brunch […]

Celebrate Tu B’Shevat in Nature

Join the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy and the 10.27 Healing Partnership to Celebrate Tu B'Shevat in Nature on a meditative and gentle forest bathing journey through Frick Park. Meet at the […]


Parshat/Torah portion class

Temple Sinai's Rabbi Daniel Feldman presents a weekly Parshat/Torah portion class onsite and online. Call 412-421-9715 for more information and the Zoom link.

“Antisemitism: Here and Now” book discussion

Join Rabbis Sharyn Henry and Jessica Locketz for an interactive discussion of Deborah Lipstadt's important book, Antisemitism: Here and Now. This program take place in-person and on Zoom. 7:30 p.m. […]

The Jews of Rio de Janiero

University of Pittsburgh historian Dr. Keila Grinberg and Dr. Flavio Limoncic of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janiero will discuss the history of Rio de Janiero's […]

Clues and Schmooze with Congregation Beth Shalom

Join Congregation Beth Shalom for Clues and Schmooze, a fun trivia event, including a raffle, open bar, and snacks. Trivia will be in teams of 3 to 6. Bring your […]