Downtown menorah lighting

Join Mayor Ed Gainey for a Downtown Menorah Lighting and enjoy live music and latkes and donuts. 5 p.m. City County Building, 414 Grant Street, 15219.

Latke Cook-Off

Join Chabad of South Hills for a latke cook off. 6 and 8 graders will compete for the title of Latke masters, enjoy a doughnut bar, get special swag and […]


Join the Joint Jewish Education Program for Latkepalooza. Enjoy games, crafts, prizes, donuts, and latkes. $5 per person or $20 per family at the door.10 a.m. Congregation Beth Shalom, 5915 […]



Join Chabad of South Hills for Babyccino, a chic meet for moms and tots. 3 classes of Chanukah Delight for ages 0-3. Location given upon registration. 11: 15 a.m.

Squirrel Hill Chanukah Walk and Menorah Lighting Festival

Join Chabad of Squirrel Hill for the Squirrel Hill Chanukah Walk and Menorah Lighting Festival. Enjoy a variety of activities, including cookie making, a dreidel craft, cards for Israeli soldiers, […]

Irena’s Vow Community Film Event

Join Classrooms Without Borders in partnership with The Collaboratory Against Hate and the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh for the premiere of the film “Irena’s Vow.” 3 p.m. McConomy Auditorium, 5032 […]

Chanukah Festival Greenfield

It's back, and better than ever. Chabad of Greenfield is excited to once again present The annual Greenfield Chanukah Festival. This year's celebration includes a grand helicopter gelt drop. Senator […]


Online Parashah Study Groups

Join a lay-led Online Parashah Study Group to discuss the week's Torah portion. All classes meet online. No Hebrew knowledge is needed. The goal is to build community while deepening […]


Torah 2

H. Arnold and Adrien B. Gefsky Community Scholar Rabbi Danny Schiff presents Torah 2. Understanding the Torah and what it asks of us is perhaps one of the most important […]


Monday Talmud Study

Join Rabbi Mark Asher Goodman in learning Masechet Rosh Hashanah, a tractate of the Talmud about the many new years that fill out the Jewish calendar at Congregation Beth Shalom's […]


The Israeli Political System

Israeli politics is at the center of many critical Jewish conversations. But how does the Israeli political system really work? Over four sessions, Rabbi Danny Schiff will describe how the […]

Menorah Car Parade

Join Chabad of Squirrel Hill for a Menorah Car Parade. Drive through the streets of Pittsburgh with menorah topped cars and music. Share the joy and spread the Chanukah light. […]

Schenley Plaza Menorah Lighting

Join Chabad of Squirrel Hill for Schenley Plaza Menorah Lighting as they light the menorah on the sixth night of Chanukah. Celebrate with live music, latkes and donuts, and a […]

Ladies Lunch and Learn

Enjoy an hour of nourishment for the mind, body, and soul and explore words of wisdom for the month of Tevet at Chabad of Squirrel Hill's Ladies Lunch and Learn. […]


Parashah Discussion: Life & Text

Bring the parashah alive and make it personally relevant and meaningful with Rabbi Mark Goodman in this weekly Parashah Discussion: Life & Text. 12:15 p.m. For more information, visit