Downtown menorah lighting
Join Mayor Ed Gainey for a Downtown Menorah Lighting and enjoy live music and latkes and donuts. 5 p.m. City County Building, 414 Grant Street, 15219.
Join Mayor Ed Gainey for a Downtown Menorah Lighting and enjoy live music and latkes and donuts. 5 p.m. City County Building, 414 Grant Street, 15219.
Join Chabad of South Hills for a latke cook off. 6 and 8 graders will compete for the title of Latke masters, enjoy a doughnut bar, get special swag and […]
Join the Joint Jewish Education Program for Latkepalooza. Enjoy games, crafts, prizes, donuts, and latkes. $5 per person or $20 per family at the door.10 a.m. Congregation Beth Shalom, 5915 […]
Join Chabad of South Hills for Babyccino, a chic meet for moms and tots. 3 classes of Chanukah Delight for ages 0-3. Location given upon registration. 11: 15 a.m.
Join Chabad of Squirrel Hill for the Squirrel Hill Chanukah Walk and Menorah Lighting Festival. Enjoy a variety of activities, including cookie making, a dreidel craft, cards for Israeli soldiers, […]
Join Classrooms Without Borders in partnership with The Collaboratory Against Hate and the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh for the premiere of the film “Irena’s Vow.” 3 p.m. McConomy Auditorium, 5032 […]
It's back, and better than ever. Chabad of Greenfield is excited to once again present The annual Greenfield Chanukah Festival. This year's celebration includes a grand helicopter gelt drop. Senator […]
Join a lay-led Online Parashah Study Group to discuss the week's Torah portion. All classes meet online. No Hebrew knowledge is needed. The goal is to build community while deepening […]
H. Arnold and Adrien B. Gefsky Community Scholar Rabbi Danny Schiff presents Torah 2. Understanding the Torah and what it asks of us is perhaps one of the most important […]
Join Rabbi Mark Asher Goodman in learning Masechet Rosh Hashanah, a tractate of the Talmud about the many new years that fill out the Jewish calendar at Congregation Beth Shalom's […]
Israeli politics is at the center of many critical Jewish conversations. But how does the Israeli political system really work? Over four sessions, Rabbi Danny Schiff will describe how the […]
Join Chabad of Squirrel Hill for a Menorah Car Parade. Drive through the streets of Pittsburgh with menorah topped cars and music. Share the joy and spread the Chanukah light. […]
Join Chabad of Squirrel Hill for Schenley Plaza Menorah Lighting as they light the menorah on the sixth night of Chanukah. Celebrate with live music, latkes and donuts, and a […]
Enjoy an hour of nourishment for the mind, body, and soul and explore words of wisdom for the month of Tevet at Chabad of Squirrel Hill's Ladies Lunch and Learn. […]
Bring the parashah alive and make it personally relevant and meaningful with Rabbi Mark Goodman in this weekly Parashah Discussion: Life & Text. 12:15 p.m. For more information, visit