Yom Ha’atzmaut: Run/Walk/Roll for Israel at 75

On your mark. Get set. Go. Israel is celebrating 75 years of statehood this April. Pittsburgh will celebrate this momentous occasion with a community-wide fun run, walk and roll. There is a toddler race, too. Free for non-racers. Craft tables,bounce houses, Israeli line dancing, Photo Booth. Register to run/walk/roll and receive a race kit. 9:30 […]


Miracles – A Jewish Perspective

The Ten Plagues. The Exodus. The Splitting of the Sea. The Delivery of Manna… Judaism has a long list of miracles. But do we really believe in miracles? How should rational minds think about the miraculous? In "Miracles - A Jewish Perspective," Rabbi Danny Schiff will consider the place of miracles in Judaism and how […]


Online Parashah Study Groups

Join a lay-led Online Parashah Study Group to discuss the week's Torah portion. All classes meet online. No Hebrew knowledge is needed. The goal is to build community while deepening understanding of the text. For more information, visit bethshalompgh.org/online-parashah.


The Jewish Text Puzzle

We Jews have an array of texts and making sense of them is not easy. In the six-part series "The Jewish Text Puzzle," Rabbi Danny Schiff will put the pieces of the “text puzzle” into one coherent picture, so that the place of Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, Midrash, Responsa, Kabbalah, as well as many other sources, […]


Israeli Literature as a Window to Israeli Society

In Israel Literature as a Window to Israel Society, Rabbi Danny Schiff will facilitate an encounter with Israeli society through the pens of Israel’s leading writers, discovering voices that are original, contemporary, and honest. This 10-part Melton course takes you on a literary journey offering a fresh examination of the ever-relevant issues faced by Israeli […]


Monday Talmud Study

Join Rabbi Mark Asher Goodman in learning Masechet Rosh Hashanah, a tractate of the Talmud about the many new years that fill out the Jewish calendar at Congregation Beth Shalom's Monday Talmud Study. 9:15 a.m. For more information, visit bethshalompgh.org/mondaytalmud.


Chai, Chai V’Kayam

Join Repair the World Pittsburgh and the 10.27 Healing Partnership for a series of community garden service-learning projects focused on sustaining ourselves, our communities, and the earth through difficult times. As the 10.27 synagogue shooting trial approaches, we hope that these programs serve as an opportunity to come together for healing and collective action. 5:30 […]


Wellness Wednesday

Join the 10.27 Healing Partnership for Wellness Wednesday, a rotating series of wellness practitioners including meditation practitioners, acupuncturists, reiki-infused sound bathing, somatic healing, vibro-acoustic harp therapy, and more. 6:30 p.m. 10.27 Healing Partnership suite on the third floor of the Squirrel Hill JCC, 5738 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. 1027healingpartnership.org.


Parshat/Torah portion class

Temple Sinai's Rabbi Daniel Feldman presents a weekly Parshat/Torah portion class onsite and online. Call 412-421-9715 for more information and the Zoom link.


Sacks To Heal A Fractured World

In the new 10-part Zoom course, "Sacks To Heal A Fractured World" Rabbi Danny Schiff will explore “To Heal a Fractured World“, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ book on the nature of Jewish responsibility for the broader world. Students will be invited to read this pivotal book and to discuss its contents in order to arrive at […]


Parashah Discussion: Life & Text

Bring the parashah alive and make it personally relevant and meaningful with Rabbi Mark Goodman in this weekly Parashah Discussion: Life & Text. 12:15 p.m. For more information, visit bethshalompgh.org/life-text.


Jewpernatural: Signs, spirits and superstition in Jewish belief

Chabad of the South Hills presents the new JLI course "Jewpernatural: Signs, spirits and superstition in Jewish belief." The course probes the Talmud, Jewish philosophy, and kabbalah to provide Jewish perspectives and guidance to help understand mysterious topics like the meaning of dreams; the existence of angels, demons, and extraterrestrials; and the power of the […]


Torah 1

Understanding the Torah and what it asks of us is perhaps one of the most important things a Jew can learn. But most Torah classes begin in Genesis and never finish the first book. If you want a comprehensive overview of the whole Torah, Torah 1 is the course for you. In the first year […]

Jeff Weinberg

Temple Emanuel of the South Hills presents author and health care advocate Jeff Weinberg, president of Caregiver Champion. Weinberg will discuss how the healthcare systems work and don’t work, and how to advocate for yourself within those healthcare systems. The talk is based on his book "The Emperor Needs New Clothes or Why The Caring […]