
JFilm Festival

The JFilm Festival, Pittsburgh’s largest Jewish cultural event takes place April 20-30. The festival will showcase 24 Jewish-themed, independent feature films from around the world. They will also host their […]


Tot Shabbat at Temple Sinai

Do your kids like to sing and dance? Do you want them to get the Shabbat feeling? Are you looking for an informal, inviting way to teach your little ones […]


The Healing Garden

The Healing Garden, an exhibit of drawings by members of the Allegheny Highlands Botanical Art Society. Free and open to the public. Opening reception on Monday March 27 at 6 […]


JFilm Festival

The JFilm Festival, Pittsburgh’s largest Jewish cultural event takes place April 20-30. The festival will showcase 24 Jewish-themed, independent feature films from around the world. They will also host their […]


The Healing Garden

The Healing Garden, an exhibit of drawings by members of the Allegheny Highlands Botanical Art Society. Free and open to the public. Opening reception on Monday March 27 at 6 […]


JFilm Festival

The JFilm Festival, Pittsburgh’s largest Jewish cultural event takes place April 20-30. The festival will showcase 24 Jewish-themed, independent feature films from around the world. They will also host their […]


Miracles – A Jewish Perspective

The Ten Plagues. The Exodus. The Splitting of the Sea. The Delivery of Manna… Judaism has a long list of miracles. But do we really believe in miracles? How should […]

Tree of Life L’Hitraot Ceremony

Gather at the Tree of Life Zittrain Garden to say "l'hitraot" or "see you later" to the Tree of Life building. Share happy memories of the building and recite a […]

Advanced Community Active Threat Training (CATT)

Advanced Community Active Threat Training (CATT) is a free, three hour course, presented by the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, addresses the mind of an active shooter, predator versus prey, […]

The Vegan Rabbi: Do Judaism and Veganism Intersect?

The national nonprofit organization Jewish Veg is bringing Rabbi Akiva Gersh, aka The Vegan Rabbi, from Israel to Pittsburgh for a one-time event. A graduate of Brown and Yeshiva universities, […]


Online Parashah Study Groups

Join a lay-led Online Parashah Study Group to discuss the week's Torah portion. All classes meet online. No Hebrew knowledge is needed. The goal is to build community while deepening […]


The Healing Garden

The Healing Garden, an exhibit of drawings by members of the Allegheny Highlands Botanical Art Society. Free and open to the public. Opening reception on Monday March 27 at 6 […]


JFilm Festival

The JFilm Festival, Pittsburgh’s largest Jewish cultural event takes place April 20-30. The festival will showcase 24 Jewish-themed, independent feature films from around the world. They will also host their […]